Sunday 11 October 2015

10 Things To Do on Halloween if you don't Do Halloween

Hello guys,
I have some good and bad news...what do you want first? Ok bad news, the bad news is that I'm finishing my blog in early January as sadly I don't have enough time to do blogging, I might carry on later on in 2016 but I will not post regularly. Anyway, the good news is that I can start to do some Halloween I will be doing 10 things to do on Halloween if you don't do Halloween. I know quite a few people who don't do Halloween, I don't myself but this year I am, but I thought that I have survived for the past years with not trick or treating so I'm going to show you how to have fun at home during Halloween.

1) Watch a movie

Watching a movie doesn't necessesarily mean watch a scary movie, you can watch a movie marathon or your absolute favourite movie. I would advice watch a movie at home, it's cosier.

2) Eat sweets and chocolate

Sadly if you don't trick or treat or go to a Halloween party, you don't get much treats, but treat yourself this Halloween and enjoy it. For example: Halloween treat bag, chocolate bars, toffee/chocolate apples, etc. 

3) Pamper evening

A pamper evening is a great way to spend the evening to yourself. Apply a face mask, relax with cucumber slices whilst bath bombs sizzle in a nice deserved bath. After that do a nice manicure or pedicure and light a few autumnal smelly candles and read a magazine or a book.

4) Company

Find a friend who hasn't got any plans either, watch a movie, have some popcorn and just have a great time. Also if you are doing pampering do it with a friend or two.

5) Make a vlog

You could do a vlog entry to show what you want to do on a night in, it's fun to do and something to do I guess. You can do other videos but vlogging is probably one of the most best video ideas for a night-in.

6) Have a photo shoot

Get a few friends, a camera and some costumes/backdrops/props and of course good poses. It's so much fun to do something like this as it's funny to look back at the photos and to dress up. If you want to get into the Halloween spirit why not dress up as a vampire or witch or ghost?

7) Make a movie

Making a movie at home is so much fun, you don't need a script. You just need a phone/camera etc, characters, costumes and a setting, also a good storyline. If you want to get into the Halloween spirit why not film a horror movie...go crazy with some fake blood and wacky wigs.

8) Listen to some music/make an Autumn playlist

It's good to just listen to some tunes you enjoy...

9) Binge watch a TV programe

I love binge watching, it's a good distraction and can I just add you probably will get some trick or treaters knocking on your door so close all the curtains and turn of some obvious lights and if they don't get the message just ignore them so they don't interupt your binge watching. I'm binge watching Sherlock right now...

10) Bake some Autumnal/Halloween treats

It's fun to make, it's enjoyable to eat (including licking the bowl)

Here are two links to make some Autumn and Halloween food:

I hope you enjoyed this posts have a great Halloween,
Cerys xx

Upcoming posts:
How to: Vampire costume
How to: Ghost School Girl costume
How to: Cat costume

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