Thursday 30 April 2015

TMI Tag!!!!


Hello there!
I was asked/tagged by my amazing friend Louise to do this tag, so here it is!!!

1.  What are you wearing?
I am wearing my school uniform...yes very boring

2. Ever been in love?
No, not really but I want to have a relationship in the future.

3. Ever had a terrible breakup?

4. How tall are you?
Don't know...

5. How much do you weigh?
Not sure...

6. Any tattoos? 
Nope, I'm too young and I never want to get one anyway...

7. Any piercings?
Nope but I am going to get my ears pierced in the summer holidays.

8. OTP?
Not sure...

9. Favourite show?

10. Favourite bands?
Arctic Monkeys, Mumford and Sons, The Last Shadow Puppets, Madness and Florence and the Machine.

11. Something you miss?
My good friend Emily and my amazing grandad.

12. Favourite song?
Right now it's 'What Kind of Man' by Florence and the Machine.

13. How old are you?
Erm...excuse me I'm not telling you!!!!

14. Zodiac sign?

15. Quality you look for in a partner?
Humour, kind and someone who respects the way that I am.

16. Favourtite quote?
'Being normal is boring': Marilyn Monroe and 'Be yourself, everybody else is taken': Oscar Wilde.

17. Favourite actor?
Jim Carrey.

18. Favourite colour?
Aqua blue. 

19. Loud or soft music?
Depends on my mood...

20. Where do you go when you're sad?
My bedroom.

21. How long does it take to shower?
Normally 10-15 mins.

22. How long does it take to get ready in the morning?
Not sure, depends on the day normally 15 mins and on weekends/holidays half hour.

23. Ever been in a physical fight?
With my sister...we fight verbally more though...

24. Turn on?
I don't know!!!!

25. Turn off?
I don't know!!!!

26. The reason why I made a blog?
I like something to do, I like writing (or typing whatever!).

27. Fears?
Lifts (kind of), being late and the dark.

28. Last thing that made you cry?
I nearly cried during a maths competition thing and also me losing my blog! :(

29. Last time you said you love someone?
My mum! :)

30. Meaning behind your name?
Love is the meaning of my name.

31. Last book you read?
Errr not sure I don't read much.

32. The book you're currently reading?
The Hunger Games (first book)

33. Last show you watched?
Blue Peter (yeah I was really bored...)

34. Last person you talked to?
My mum and as I was asking her an informative question?

35. The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
Louise, my great friend and one of MY biggest fans!!!!

36. Favourite food?
Not sure...I LOVE MOST FOOD!!!!

37. Place you want to visit?
New York, Venice and somewhere in Greece. Also I wouldn't mind going back to see Paris again...

38. Last place you were?
My bedroom but I ran to the computer down the stairs and hallway...

39. Do you have a crush?

40. Last time you kissed someone?
My was really

41. Last time you were insulted?
Not sure...

42. Favourite flavour of sweet?
Don't know it's TOO hard to choose!

43. What instruments do you play?
Piano/keyboard and I used to play the violin!!

44. Favourite piece of jewellery?
Necklaces, normally with spikes!!

45. Last sport you played? the rain!!!!

46. Last song you sang?
Happy birthday...I sang it to my sister ;)

47. Favourite chat up line?
How you doin'? (Joey Tribbiani from Friends :D)

48. Have you ever used it?

49. Last time you hung out with someone?
Louise and I walked home, talking about blogs lol.

50. Who should answer these questions next?
Honor and Lucy.



  1. That was really good and a lot of our answers were similar! If Honor did the tag it would be really funny xxx
